What Is Business Knowledge Management?

Making expertise plays an important part in the worth of business growth. Our knowledge management system deals with essential concerns, maintaining your service successful when dealing with the significantly routine adjustments of business atmosphere.  Logical DOC as a document management system will improve information retrieval in your organization by indexing and securing needed content. This feature will help save valuable time when resource searching and knowledge recreating. Using LogicalDOC will considerably increase your new employees’ ability to be more productive as they will no longer need to search through files on shared drives or in cabinets.  Our program is about sharing and also keeping the built-up cumulative proficiency, as well as comprehending the company's strategies, procedures, and also procedures. It deals with understanding as a crucial source and also essential consider intellectual funding and also permits personnel professionals to affect individual’s administration.

What Is Business Knowledge Management?

Knowledge management is the practice of cultivating, sustainable, reliable, accurate information for the purpose of decision making, prosperity and further cultivation.
Without proper cultivation of knowledge, knowledge is lost either by time, bias, or poor organization. The purpose of a knowledge manager is to cultivate knowledge within a confine safe nurtured ecology that prevents decay and encourages growth.

Wait! Why don't we know how long man has been on the Earth?

Because no one wrote it down. The knowledge of what man was doing for more than 3/4 of his existence is literally lost. There was no form of writing, no form of organization with meaning, there is some expression a pictures on walls, but that is nearly worthless without some key to indicate how to interpret the data.

Because of a lack of communication protocols and methods, our understanding of early man begins with great civilizations that not only developed means of recording data but the means of organizing and filtering that data into information that could be expressed and interrupted by others through systems of communication, such as hieroglyphs and alphabets.

One of the first great civilizations to take knowledge management system seriously was Egypt. It is one of the most recognizable civilizations on earth spanning 3000 years; all of which were painstakingly recorded by scribes, an honorable profession during that time. We know from their records that they invented papyrus to record knowledge, invented an alphabet to record knowledge and created books to record knowledge, they even had a myth of a god who came to them taught them how to write for the purpose of documenting knowledge, Thoth.

The Egyptians were some of the first knowledge managers. Not only did they painstakingly record almost everything, they built entire languages, protocols, and display methods beyond their alphabet as standards for organizing their knowledge for proper deployment in the correct order, for the correct occasion, to the correct people with the correct biases in check for the audience and their comprehension.

You are probably wondering why I am talking about Egypt, thinking that I am reaching for the connection, or maybe not. Maybe you realize I am mentioning them because due to their diligence in knowledge management we know more about their history and culture than probably 80% of all other human cultures. Honestly, think about this for a moment: you probably know more about Egypt's history and government than your own state's history or government. Honestly, what do you know about the last CEO at your company, what were the achievements, what systems and process were put into place and where do you find how to do these processes?

Recently while sitting around in the open social area at my office I heard two people from another department debating the sudden technological advancement of mankind over the past fifty years. They were in agreement that there "had to be outside influences on man," you know, aliens. They agreed on this alien influence idea, but could not agree on the history as to how aliens influenced humanities advancement. They used ancient Egypt's advancement as their example of alien influence. You might be familiar with the notion that no cultures of man at that time could have built the pyramids. I couldn't help myself, I had to interrupt, being that I actually find western alien mythos fascinating but I find the idea that aliens from Area 51 are the reason our culture has had recent advancements, "just like Egypt," a fallacy.

"You're wrong and I think it's kind of insulting to humanity and to those who invented the technologies that you won't credit them for their work" I told them.

Honestly, they got kind of annoyed, if not insulted, by my brash, tactless, remark and asked me to explain why I was so passionate about my statement.

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